Jul 18, 2010

Wedding Poem #2

Put seeds in the ground
to die
and you pull in the harvest
Put love in every life
you meet
and your barns beg for rest
Open up the barn doors!
Where the harvest is stored
And let's dance on the floor
at sunset, at dusk,
dancing where the harvest is held.

You vowed your lives with the sun in the sky
You looked at each other and cried.
After sun went down, we saw you in the barn
and we--all your friends from years and years,
the fields you plowed, where you went down to die--
And we danced holes in our shoes
to the rotating lights in the sky
to the full moon.
And to star-time,
we pulled in the harvest to the overflowing barn.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I love this. Beautiful..

Anonymous said...

God is the hook upon which everything hangs.
Marriage is a miracle.
Beauty is something that God has created. The whole in the midst of brokenness. The good in the midst of man. The harvest in a desert. The seeds that die. The friends that reap,weep,seek,fire,find,dance together are the ones that sift through each other like a fine-toothed comb through gnarled hair.
When the groom takes the bride and the bride looks at the eyes she has been waiting her whole life for and the groom continues to pour joy out of his face, hands, feet and the bride blinks and tears fall and everyone's feet are bare, then the time has finally come and the two are now one in the eyes of the Church and they are both in a cocoon hanging from that very large hook and celebration is, of course, inevitable.
What joy?
What joy.

Caitlin Ryan said...

Awesome, Jeff.