Jul 19, 2008

The Joy of Gardening

I just ate a plum. Two plums, actually--they were like little purple gems that tingled my mouth and fell apart in sweet sweet goodness on my tongue. Oh boy.

There is just something about gardening, about bringing something out of the ground that is actually full of junk and awful stuff and turning it into food that is delicious and healthy. I love gardening so much. I can't wait to do it for the rest of my life. I can't wait to live in rhythm with the seasons of the year. I'm just excited about it. The corn's getting ready too and I've already eaten a few ears. They are very delicious. Mario bought some heirloom tomatoes at the farmer's market and will plant them soon. They will be very good. Mario is very good at getting things to grow. I'm getting there. I'm good at letting things rot in the compost pile.

I wish I knew how to put pictures up. Hooray for self-grown food!

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